

Frequently Asked Questions

Type:Personal Settings

What is SSP (Start Sand Point)?

SSP (Start Sand Point). Every user, folder, and file has their own Start Sand Points.
SSP represent how active is this user and how popular are their sources shared.
Folder's SSP represent how popular is this folder.
File's SSP tells the popularity of this file and what rating did the other user give.

To increase the SSP:

  1. Update and sharing more files
  2. Sharing good quality files so the other user will give higher rates
  3. Give detail discription and catagorize files and folders.
  4. Update personal info.
  5. More people view the file will also increase your SSP

When will SSP decrease?

  1. No update or new sharing for a long time.
  2. Unpleasent sharings that the other user deduct SSP
